BES enhances the soldier’s understanding of the surrounding action by providing a clear digital picture of the battlefield.
Battle Eye System is a state-of-the-art GIS based battlefield management and fire control system. Positioned on a C2 (command and control) level, BES enhances the soldier’s understanding of the surroundings by providing a clear digital picture of the battlefield and vehicle sensors and weapons integration.
With its robust and modular architecture built around a high performance GIS Engine, the Battle Eye System delivers all tactical data to the screen of the soldier. It offers a wide range of connectivity to various data networks, improves the command and control process and enhances situational awareness. It helps gather and share information and integrates several navigation, weapon and sensor systems. BES features a battle-proven intuitive touchscreen user interface designed to be used in vehicles moving over rough terrain.

- Force multiplier – improves troops’ efficiency
- Improved operation planning and supervision
- Faster information gathering and exchange
- Near real-time situational awareness
- Unprecedented flexibility, adaptability, and integration
- Not tied to a specific hardware platform or a specific radio type
- Lowers total cost of ownership by modular design
- State of the art, fast, GIS engine
- Touch Screen interface
- Terrain analysis tools
- MGRS/DMS/UTM grid display and conversions
- 2525 or App6 Symbology
- Full tactical graphics support
- Sensors and weapons integrations
- Visual cue on combat readiness of units
- Navigation and Track recording
- Configurable ORBAT display and declutter
- Optimized for low bandwidth VHF/HF links
- Supports IP, MESHNET and MANET radio networks
- Support legacy military radios with serial modems
- Fully featured CBRN module
- Open API toward 3rd party systems
Battle Eye System is not a monolithic application. It can be configured to customer needs, delivering unprecedented flexibility, adaptability, and integration. Battle Eye System is a totally modular application, which separates GUI from GIS and business logic. Task specific modules can be added or removed without the need to recompile the core product. BES relies on Component Server for sensor & weapons integration, on COMMS2 for tactical data communications and on VBS2/3 simulation engine for integrated trainings.
BES is a member of Milsistemika C4I suite. It is aimed toward execution level, and relies on IHTA (Intelligent HQ Assistant) for planning, and seamlessly integrate with PES (Personal Eye System) used by the dismounted troops or JTACS.

BES was designed for use in combat vehicles. It is best suited for the C2 segment deployments in all types of vehicles used at Battalion level and down to the individual soldier. It perfectly complements our C1 segment Dismounted Soldier Programme PES solution. BES also offers seamless integration with the C4I segment and supports bi-directional data exchange with other C4I systems. COP data can be exchanged with C2IEDM and JC3IDM databases defined by the Multilateral Interoperability Programme and endorsed by NATO as the de-facto multilateral interoperability standard. BES can also exchange C2 data with other Blue Force Tracking systems such as the NATO Friendly Force Identifier (NFFI). This guarantees that all coalition partners know where your forces are and significantly lowers the chances of blue-on-blue incidents.

Battle Eye System is not a monolithic application. It can be configured to customer needs, delivering unprecedented flexibility, adaptability, and integration.